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Work Based Learning Experiences (WBLE)

WORK BASED LEARNING EXPERIENCES (WBLE) is a structured work study transition service that utilizes community-based transition instruction for neurodiverse 18-22 year old students who have met graduate requirements and elect to defer their standard diploma using the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process.  This is our newest training class, where students who are interested in finding employment but have not yet held a job are exposed to a variety of short term non-paid internships.  These internships occur within the school day and begin within the departments on the college campus.  During this time assessments are made on the student’s level of independence and personal interests.  With the cooperation of area businesses, students move off campus and are exposed to the real-world tasks that would be expected at that employment site.  This experience provides students with valued skills that they can add to their resume and helps smooth the transition from the high school academic setting to the world of work.

Our mission is to assist recent high school graduates to gain a clear understanding of their own needs, gain confidence and recognize their abilities to create a personal plan for employment and/or additional training.

Click the button below for an informational flyer on the Work Based Learning Experiences.

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Areas of Study:
Each student participates in a functional curriculum that emphasizes:

  • Develop skills to make meaningful decisions about career choice
  • Assess personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Prepare to become career ready by developing resume’ and interview skills
  • Understanding job responsibilities in a variety of settings/businesses
  • Learning to self-advocate on the job
  • Making decisions and problem solving on the job
  • Develop personal safety and situational awareness

Services Include:

  • Career Interest Assessment
  • Employment Skills Assessment
  • Career Counseling and Guidance
  • Resume Development
  • Job Coaching
  • Budgeting Skills
  • Travel Training
  • Students may elect to work on obtaining entry level certifications in their career field of interest

Students must meet the following:

  • Meet graduation status and chose to utilize deferment of their Standard Diploma through the Individualized Education (IEP) process prior to graduating.
  • Live in Broward County
  • 18-21 years of age

Ask your ESE Specialist for an Application. After your application has been received by Atlantic Technical College and Technical High School, you will be contacted and scheduled for a visit to discuss your interest in WBLE.