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Academic Records


Approved Accrediting Agencies

ATC accepts academic records from educational institutions that are regionally accredited or approved by a State’s Board of Education (restrictions apply). Please see your program counselor for a list of regional accrediting agencies and their affiliates.

High School Diploma/GED®

A high school diploma or GED® is required for some Certificate and Applied Technology Diploma programs and to obtain federal student aid. ATC accepts diplomas from regionally accredited educational institutions. GED® transcripts must be requested from Be sure to select Atlantic Technical College as the recipient.

Foreign Academic Records Evaluation

Prospective students with foreign diplomas, degrees or transcripts wishing to receive financial aid or admittance to a program that has a diploma requirement will need to get the foreign records evaluated. ATC accepts evaluation reports from any active National Association of Credential Evaluation Services certified members. Students must request an evaluation of educational records. Please note, just a translation of a foreign transcript is not sufficient. Educational records must be certified as being the equivalent to a secondary and/or postsecondary education in the United States. Translation services may also be required for documents in a language other than English. Click the Approved Foreign Transcript Evaluation Agencies list for approved agencies.

Experiential Credit

Prospective students with related education or work experience related to the program of interest may be eligible for Experiential Performance Awards. This allows students to accelerate the instructional process by applying past experience toward the competencies taught in each Certificate or Applied Technology Program.