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Architecture & Construction


Be part of the exciting construction industry!

The Plumbing program is designed to prepare students for employment in a variety of pipe occupations. The content includes, but is not limited to: reading construction documents, understanding building codes, plumbing pipe-cutting/joining, soldering and plumbing layout and installation. The curriculum integration of theory and practice provides students with fundamental entry level plumbing skills necessary for the construction industry.

Additional Skills Covered:

  • Introduction to Solar Thermal
  • National, International and Local Codes
  • Hot Water Systems
  • Cold Water Systems
  • Water Regulations
  • Poly Vinyl Chloride
  • Soldering and Brazing •
  • Plumbing Safety
  • Sanitation Systems
  • Copper Pipe Work
  • Cast Iron
  • Specialty Tools

Admission Requirements:

  • 16 Years of Age or Older
  • Complete a Program Specific Orientation
  • Basic Skills Testing or Exemption
  • Meet with Program Counselor/Advisor

Industry Certification Exam & State Credential:

Students will be prepared to take an approved county and/or nationally recognized industry certification or licensure exam in their field of study. Exam costs are additional; however, you may qualify for reimbursement of your exam cost(s) upon passing. See your program counselor/advisor for more information.

Books / Supplies:

For a list of books and prices go to or visit the bookstore on campus. Additional supply information can be found in the syllabus located on the Web page for this program.

College Credit Transfer Opportunity and/or Advanced Standing:

Upon completion of the program and meeting eligibility requirements, including the attainment of an aligned industry certification, students may be awarded credits toward an Associate Degree by Broward College or the Florida College System.  Students must enroll within two (2) years of completing the program at Atlantic Technical College. Additional college credit may be awarded with the attainment of additional industry certifications.

DEO logo

Job Outlook:

For information regarding Carpentry salaries/wages, visit

Enroll in our Plumbing program today.

For more information on the Plumbing program, sign up today for an ATC Program Information Session!

Advisor: [email protected]

Program Info

Program Length:

1080 hours (approximately 10 months – full time)

Program Offered:

August & January

Delivery Method:

Traditional – 100% Classroom based

Days & Times:


  • Monday – Friday
    7:05 a.m – 1:50 p.m