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About Ready To Work

Get The Credential – Go for the Competitive Edge!RTWCredential.jpg

Florida employers need and seek dependable, skilled workers.  The Florida Ready to Work (RTW) Program helps prepare prospective and current employees to fill this need.

The Florida Ready to Work Credential is a career readiness designation awarded to students and other job applicants who have successfully passed assessments in three key employment areas:

  • Reading for Information
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Locating Information

Applicants who have earned a RTW Credential are better equipped with skills needed to enter the workforce and/or a job training program. Employers who consider hiring “card-carrying applicants” benefit from an assurance that potential employees have the skills needed to meet expectations.

About the Credential:
Atlantic Technical College, in collaboration with the Florida Department of Education, is a designated Ready to Work Assessment College.  There are three levels of the Florida Ready to Work credential:

  • Bronze – minimum score of 3 or more on all three assessments
  • Silver – minimum score of 4 or more on all three assessments
  • Gold – minimum score of 5 or more on all three assessments.

Participants may re-take the assessment to achieve a higher level certificate at anytime and it’s FREE. There is no cost to participate in this program – any student or resident of the state of Florida is eligible to earn this credential.

Having this credential demonstrates to current and future employers that you have the skills to meet employment expectations. Businesses are beginning to use the Ready to Work Credential as part of their recruitment and hiring practices. Knowing you possess Florida’s Ready to Work credential, an employer can be more confident that you can begin the job with the skills or successful job performance.